Employee Certifications Tracker

There are qualifications that require updating periodically or have an expiration date.  Whereas degrees, diplomas or specific training do not have an expiry date but are equally important to track and manage.  Implementing the right procedure or process for your business is integral to the success and accuracy of managing these qualifications.

We provide a secure solution where you can store, collate and track digital credentials and certifications and expiry dates for your employees and contractors

Our certifications store and track service allows companies to have access to or to link their employee or contractors electronic credentials wallet to their internal HR system which gives an advantage of a broader view of employee and contractor credentials in one view allowing companies to see any new credential supported skills the employee achieves or the expiration of a contract based certification.

As we move into a paperless society, many businesses are choosing to implement software to assist in the tracking and management of qualifications. Use our tool to: Manage, track and report on employee training, licenses and professional development required by employees in their jobs.

Key Features And Benefits

  • Real-time management and checking of degree and qualification credentials, professional certifications and training certificates of your employees and those of your contractors
  • Managing employees’ credentials, checking contractors’ certificates and certification requirements to ensure regulatory compliance
  • Easily Track and Manage Employee Credentials; all organized in one place and get automatic reminders and planning
  • It can be used as a digital file room where you just store scanned copies of your employee credentials for record keeping
  • Safety Training & Qualification – allows for safety checks—anytime, anywhere. Easily track employee training, safety training records.